Why Prodim Proliner is so expensive? It is seriously so easy to replicate but there is no alternative.

I just saw Prodim Proliner in an exhibition. I’m an amateur boat builder and I need a product exactly like this. But I was shocked whjen I heard the pricing.

It is simply a gimbal for X-Y coordinates and length of the retractable rope gives you Z with basic trigonometry.
When you press the button, it simply records the XYZ coordinates while gimbal is (0,0,0) . That’s it! And they charge like 20-30k for this?

It looks like a tool that can be made under 100usd? with 3d materials, by a hobbyist engineer..

I thought maybe it was because of the patent but it also looks expired.

Same goes with damn cad laser scanners. Just a fucking gimbal for XY and the laser pointer distance for Z calculations. And those sells for even more!

What am I missing here?

submitted by /u/cabbarnuke
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