Hi everyone,
This is overdue now Christmas has passed but I would like to create and organized and standardized user 3D scans database. This will be geared towards the low end sub ~5k scanners a lot of people come here seeking information about. The intent is anyone willing to put in the extra bit of extra effort can post a verified scan be it individuals who have purchased scanners, those with review units or companies themselves. All while giving prospective buyers the opportunity to compare scanners, software and the scan process.
To achieve this in as simpler way I can think of each scan will consist of a full length video with the following details, as well as uploading the exported 3D scan (as exported from the scanning software) to a site //taking recommendations\\ that users can view online.
- 2560×1440 or higher resolution side by side video. Left side showing a video capture of the full scan area including PC (where applicable) and person scanning in frame the entire scan and processing time. Right side showing a synchronized screen recording of the scanning software.
- Timeline consisting of:
- Showing the object to be scanned and the 3D scanner side by side to give an indication of scale and show detail of the object
- Software version
- Scan settings in software
- Scanning
- Processing – aligning, cleaning, meshing etc
- Slow orbit displaying final mesh untextured
- Slow orbit displaying final mesh textured
- Optional extras – mesh after processing in 3rd party software, renders, measurement tests, user feedback etc
- Time stamps for the above timeline.
- Identifying information like faces can be blurred / blocked out if preferred.
- Without cuts / speed up or any video editing not specified above.
- Audio is optional.
The goal of the database is to:
- Give a real insite for users looking to purchase scanners, of the scan process, detail achievable and skills used to achieve a good scan.
- Give similar scans for users to compare between models.
- Show software capabilities.
- Prevent hiding issues during scanning like tracking loss or stacking error.
- Prevent post processed (manipulated) scan data being advertised as the expected output.
- Prevent advertising higher quality scanners data as the output of a lower spec model.
- Prevent hostile reviews, purposefully making the scanner seem poor.
- Prevent forced positive feedback on review units.
To aid in giving comparable scan data I have also designed two FDM 3D printable models. Ideally these would be commonly scanned items – https://imgur.com/a/5SRCMjf
The first is a 3d scanner detail test. Being 3d printed the goal of this is not an accuracy test but to display how much detail can be expected from the scanner, how smaller objects it can pickup and process
The second is a simple jig to hold a 1-2-3 block. This is to give an indication of actual expected accuracy from the scanner.
It would also be ideal if the openscan benchy becomes another common scan item at least for the high detail / jewellery level scanners.
I will make a pinned post that links to separate threads for each model of scanner where people can post their scans.
I would really appreciate your input on this. How it can be improved, ways it could be abused etc. Once the process is nailed down I will do the first scan myself to kick things off and make up some guides to try and make the process as simple as possible for anyone wanting to add to the database.
submitted by /u/MatterRay-Callum
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