Suggestions for White Noise Player | TechEnclave

So I want to give a try to white noise player like:

Cheap devices like that are not worth it

But it can run only for 60 minutes max. Is there a device/combination of devices that can play some audio like this for 8 hours?

The unit that gets recommended is by a brand called Lectrofan

Its more flexible and runs off the mains. You will have to check what voltage it needs.

Here is a comparison with others so you get an idea of what to look for.

How to play a 10 hours YT video (only for sound, audio can me extracted as MP3 from YT videos) at low volume with minimum power consumption?

The trouble with recordings is you can’t tweak them for your use case. This flexibility is what seperates the more expensive white noise machines from the cheaper ones.

More flexible options on that website.

Try with this website and when you find what works look for standalone device with that sound. Since you said the AC blocks out the noise then that is the kind of noise you want to emulate.

There is also an app by the same people

Check this guide for how to reduce sounds. A combination of white noise and earplugs.

White noise machine doesn’t work for low frequencies. Only earplugs or ear protectors will work for that.

Identify what sound you want to mask. It helps if you can figure out what the dominant frequencies are. Use a spectrum analyser

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