Looking for and need:
Runs on most or all Linux mobile/tablet other than Android (can run on Android too), think touchscreens e.g. Plasma Mobile or postmarketOS
Can be programmed with a language
Touch input handling
File read and write ability including where home directory is (can be like make my own finder of home)
Rendering in some form
Text rendering even if it is like app name
Can know when to close/end app
Would like but can do without:
Free to use
GPU shaders for gradients support (really want)
GPU compute shaders
Text input with software keyboard (really want)
Audio output, think speakers
Pixel density knowledge at runtime
Threading in programs, think concurrency
Near one source code for all platforms
Really don’t need but native device and sensors access
Does any such thing exist? This would be for games, can you please direct me to what says that whatever you are suggesting can be what I need?