I have been browsing the Internet for reviews and opinions but finally decided to plain ask knowledgeable people directly, so I would appreciate any input.
I have a 400mm3 3D printer that I built with some automotive prototyping, electronics enclosure, and fixtures in mind. So I am searching for a 3D scanning solution that has a decent resolution/accuracy around that range or twice as much at most. They also don’t have to be much better than my printer can achieve. My budget is around 1000 money.
Some time ago I had a couple of Jimu/Creality scanners, namely Lizard and Seal. That was a very frustrating experience, making me question reliability and dependability of these companies and their products.
Before trying those affordable 3d scanners I played with Meshroom photogrammetry solution but my results were even worse because of a lack of good quality camera.
Thank you!
submitted by /u/insonifi
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