Petition to keep the forum apolitical | TechEnclave

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The way social media has gone, every space is now filled with political discussions. This forum, being a dedicated tech forum, is a refuge to get away from all that hullabaloo.

But lately I’ve been noticing a string of political posts over here as well. So I wanted to petition the mods and admins to keep this space free from political discussions. I think there are enough and more places where people can discuss politics to their heart’s content. A tech forum can stay away from all that.

If that’s not feasible, can we introduce a prefix for political discussions and allow users to ignore the same.


I voted for allowing them but pressed the wrong one so keep note

Things are going fine and it shouldn’t be those that contributed nothing that get to dictate what happens. Why does this happen so often?

Don’t like it, ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to read anything.


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