Just wondering what’s the average salary for someone who’s trained to use PC-dmis? I’ve been using pcdmis for 2 years, I’m the only one in the business who can programme and set up measurement routines etc. I work in metrology. I’ve always worked in quality as a coordinator, but this my first time working in metrology full-time. I’m self taught pcdmis user, I’m experienced user, I know what I’m doing basically, can measure anything now, maybe sometimes have to have a Google haha? I’m on £15.50ph. £30k-£31k
I used to be on a lot more as a coordinator but I had to change town thus job to this and I’m new to the metrology field, 2yrs in. Enjoying it so far. ?
Am I in a position to ask for more? Should I be on more? is this an ok salary? Have I enough experience to look elsewhere?
submitted by /u/Own_Cartoonist780
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