Mac OS – Must Have Software/Apps for MacOS | TechEnclave

With the increasing popularity of MacOS – I think, the time is right to make this thread. As someone who uses both Mac and Windows, making sure that both systems run alike (I find Windows more flexible still) is important. Here are some tools I find indispensible. I hope to learn more from people who are more adept than I am (I am not at all adept).

I am not associated with any of the programs listed here. I am merely a user!

Clipboard tools

As someone who is tired of the lack of clipboard managers, I have long been in search of good ones. I know there are a few more with more functionalities, but these two apps serve me well. If there are more, I would love to learn about them.



Screenshot Tool
I use a lot of screenshots and all. I would love for Shottr to have video capture abilities too. But the screenshot tool does a great job of being a great alternative to ShareX on the Mac. It does not record video, but I guess, that is still okay for me.


Context Menu
True to its name, it does a lot of supercharging. Once I started using this, there was no way for me to go back. This is an all-round brilliant tool with some really nifty features and ability to configure shortcut keys to everything from minimising all windows to swiping away notifications.


I will keep post other apps I use as we go along. I am looking forward to learn more from you guys!

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