A bit of background. I have a CNC machine and a laser cutter that I use for gigs but since I have been laid off from my fulltime job I would like to use them as an income source. Right now I use the old fashioned method of a tape measurer and cardboard to outline an instrument panel and take measurements. This can be cumbersome as I then have to go through fusion 360 and go through the CAD process of designing the panel from scratch. I would like to start using a scanner to scan the panels in. The issue is that the tool that everybody in the marine industry seems to use costs $25k, its a Prodim Proliner CMM, it works well but right now I just can’t afford it. Last week I ordered a 3d scanner just to mess around with (Einstar 3d scanner), but it couldn’t scan the acrylic due to the gloss, it also didn’t really scan that well either. I am just looking for some good alternatives if possible.
submitted by /u/sortinousn
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