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Aiguille du MidiAiguille du Midi

Aiguille du Midi – CC-BY-SA by Ivan Borisov

Day 1 of 30DayMapChallenge: « Points » (previously).

IGN is scanning France using LIDAR. More than half the country is available for downloading currently. Let’s play with points around the Aiguille du Midi



Selecting 4 squares on the selection map allows to generate a catalog of 1✕1 km tiles to download.

read_lines("liste_dalle.txt") |> 
  tibble(url = _) |> 
  mutate(file = path("tiles", path_file(url))) |> 
  pwalk(\(url, file) download.file(url, file))

Read and manipulate the LAZ files with the help of the {lidR} package. We only keep a region of interest 500 m around the peak.

ctg <- readLAScatalog("tiles")
roi <- clip_circle(ctg, x = 1001400, y = 6538400, radius = 500)

The point cloud has already been classified so we can extract only the ground (although at this altitude there is no vegetation).

ground <- filter_ground(roi)

We display 38 millions points (50 points/m²)!

A 3d rendering of the Aiguille du Midi from LIDAR dataA 3d rendering of the Aiguille du Midi from LIDAR data

Aiguille du Midi in RGL

And then we can create a digital terrain model and a hillshade map…

dtm <- rasterize_terrain(roi, 2, tin(), pkg = "terra")
dtm_prod <- terra::terrain(dtm, v = c("slope", "aspect"), unit = "radians")
dtm_hillshade <- terra::shade(slope = dtm_prod$slope, aspect = dtm_prod$aspect)
plot(dtm_hillshade, col = gray(0:50/50), legend = FALSE)

A grayscale rendering of digital terrain model around Aiguille du MidiA grayscale rendering of digital terrain model around Aiguille du Midi

DTM of Aiguille du Midi

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