ios – iPhone 15 Pro Max suddenly started to lose battery much faster than before

I’m using an iPhone 15 Pro Max with iOS 18.1.

For the past two or three days, it’s been losing battery way faster than normal.

Also (and I don’t know if this is connected), my screen time tracker seems to think the phone is always in use.
last week

this week

Also, the app that’s been most used for the past couple weeks is Settings.


I assure you I haven’t used the phone anywhere near that much.

Before this, my battery life was much more normal. Also, as I write this question (which has taken around 2 minutes), I have lost 6%, which is much worse than normal).

The phone’s been at what seems to be normal temperature. It hasn’t been slow at all. I close all tabs in my browser, and close the tabs of all apps. Nothing is using my location or Bluetooth.

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