1- Open terminal and type pwd it will check that we are rooted or not make sure y are rooted allmost all kali linux are rooted
2-Type clear press enter
3- Select place where our password list is we type cd before selcting place these comand everyone know like my password list is in cd/desktop
4- Type hydra and press enter
5- Now many command will come of hydra
6- type this command hydra -l ((give victim username paste username give space after l and enter username)) ((give space)) -P ((give your password list name)) ftp://((enter ftp)) press enter
7- Now brute force attack is started it will take fucking long time
8- The password will come in dark green colur
9- Boom done
10- Just go to any online ftp by typing online ftp ftp port is 21 or use any port that is shown there and type ftp and username and password