Greenland ice thickness | R-bloggers

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A photo of Meltwater in crevasses in GreenlandA photo of Meltwater in crevasses in Greenland

Meltwater in crevasses in Greenland – CC-BY-NC by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Day 11 of 30DayMapChallenge: « Arctic » (previously).

We’ll use the Greenland 5 km DEM, Ice Thickness, and Bedrock Elevation Grids (J. Bamber 2001) from J. L. Bamber, Layberry, and Gogineni (2001) and Layberry and Bamber (2001). Download here (after registration).

The data needs some wrangling as the format is not straightforward: it’s a wrapped fixed width ASCII file (check the user guide). We need to make one row out of every 31 lines of the file, reverse the order of the lines and give the correct projection and extent.


thick <- read_fwf("thick_5km_corrected",
                  guess_max = 1e4) |> 
  mutate(row = ceiling(row_number() / 31)) |> 
  group_by(row) |> 
  group_modify(~ as_tibble(as.vector(t(as.matrix(.x))))) |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  mutate(name = rep(paste0("x", 1:310), 561)) |> 
  drop_na(value) |> 
  pivot_wider(values_from = value,
              names_from = name) |>
  arrange(desc(row)) |> 
  select(-row) |> 
  as.matrix() |> 
  rast(crs = "+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=71 +lon_0=-39 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs") 

ext(thick) = c(-800000, 700000, -3400000, -600000)

Here is the raw map in a polar stereographic projection:

thick |> 
  plot(main = "Greenland Ice thickness",
       col = map.pal("magma"))
Map of Greenland Ice thickness in a polar stereographic projectionMap of Greenland Ice thickness in a polar stereographic projection
Figure 1: Greenland Ice thickness in a polar stereographic projection. data: Bamber J., 2021. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center

And on an interactive map after reprojection:


# native resolution is 5 km, so at 66° N it's about 0.1 degree
# -75 - -15 = 65 ; 65 / 0.1 = 650 pixels wide
thick_wgs84 <- thick |>
  project(rast(nrows = 250, ncols = 650, 
               xmin = -75, xmax = -10, 
               ymin = 60, ymax = 85,
               crs = "EPSG:4326")) |> 
  subst(x = _, 0, NA)

range_m <- c(0, max(values(thick_wgs84), na.rm = TRUE))
pal <- colorNumeric("magma", domain = range_m, na.color = "#ffffff00")
# fix the legend order:
pal_rev <- colorNumeric("magma", domain = range_m, na.color = "#ffffff00", reverse = TRUE)

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
                 colors = pal,
                 opacity = 0.5,
                 attribution = "Bamber, 2021 (NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center)") |> 
  addLegend(pal = pal_rev,
            title = "Greenland
Ice thickness (m)", values = range_m, labFormat = labelFormat(transform = function(x) sort(x + 500, decreasing = TRUE)))

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