Ever heard of a case of downloading porn to embarass someone?

I’m doing some low-level tryhackme stuff and going through basic command line stuff. When I got to ‘mkdir’ command, I jokingly created a directory on the target computer titled “porn.”

Then it made me wonder if there have every been cases of attackers remotely compromising a machine and pulling something like this in order to get the person in trouble with the authorities or with their company.

I mean, couldn’t a hacker with a mission to totally ruin someone’s life just hijack their account and –over time– download a bunch of illegal porn or something equally terrible? Who would believe them when they said, “Oh no, those aren’t my illegal files!”?

So… does anyone know of any cases of an attacker being found out for doing this kind of thing?

submitted by /u/HauntedGatorFarm
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