CR-Scan Otter and Bridge TPU cases

CR-Scan Otter and Bridge TPU cases

As many people here in r/3DScanning seem to be using the CR-Scan Otter, I figured I could share something I created for my own Otter and Bridge to help them survive the daily wear a bit longer and possibly reduce the risk of damage in case of an accident.

It’s a regular TPU case, as well as a more advanced “Bumper” type case that has a hollow structure around every corner, reducing the de-acceleration if the unit is dropped (which is what damages things being dropped). As my daughter said; The corners are very squishy!

You can find the models here if you think this might be useful for you:

I’ve wasted quite a lot of TPU in prototyping these items to get everything aligned and working as I had imagined and many evenings/nights spent creating it for my own need, but hopefully this can be of help to more persons than just myself!

To check for temperature increase I had run the Otter for 30 minutes in scan mode, with IR-leds at max output, as well as visible light leds on, and noticed no noticeable increase in temperature compared to without the case (just a little above ambient in both cases), so I am personally not worried about temperatures, but there have been some that had been worried before, please check with your own unit that it don’t get too hot.

submitted by /u/Pawpawpaw85
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