android – Torus-based drawing surface drawing app for smartphones and tablets with limited drawing surface screen area

I am looking for a drawing app that will allow you to make drawings on Android smartphones like in Google Keep, but that is based on a toroidal surface.

Here is how I want the app to work.

The screen is a tile on the torus.

Suppose I want to draw lots of stuff (almost, like on a large toroidal blackboard) but space is limited.

I want to be able to increment the number of tiles, both horizontally, and vertically.

In the degenerate case, there is only one tile on the torus.

You wrap everything around both vertically and horrifically when you scroll/pan.

But when you want to add to your jottings, you can add a ring of tiles both as a vertical ring horizonal incrementing of tiles), as well as as a horizontal ring (vertical incrementing of tiles).

The extra ring can be placed to the right, left, top, or bottom.

You can then draw on it.

You can save, your, work.

It would be nice to have such a drawing app. It would desk with drawing complex things, and, viewing (and browsing, them), on smartphones where such space were limited.

When will such as Android app be developed?

Thank you for your contributions.

Where can I find such an app?


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