Does the cable from 3Dmakerpro Lynx (also Creality CR-Scan01) work with the Mole/Whale (Creality Lizard)?

Hi All, as per the title, does the Lynx (also CR-Scan01) scanner cable work with the Mole (/Lizard) please?

[3dmakerpro licensed the hardware designs from creality so the connectors and cables should be the same for the following products:

The Creality CR-Scan01 uses the same hardware as the 3Dmakerpro Lynx

the Creality Lizard uses the same hardware as the 3Dmakerpro Whale and Mole]

I notice the Lynx/CR-Scan01 seems to have the weird proprietary round multipin connector that the Mole (or Lizard) use, plus an extra rectangular one.. and if assuming it’s the same pin arrangement, could I just hook up the round one on the Lynx (or CR-Scan01) cable to the Mole (Lizard), leaving the rectangular one disconnected, to use with the PC?

The cables seem to be a bit difficult to get hold of quickly here (UK), so just weighing up my options; such as buying a Lynx (or CR-Scan01) to use for larger scans and ideally using the cable for both, or buying an android connect kit and using a USB extension cable or sitting very close with the included cable for setup..

submitted by /u/No-Echidna5754
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