Good experience? UVTools + Saturn 4 ultra?

I’m considering a saturn 4 ultra; i am a long time fdm user but this would be my first sla outside expensive stuff at work. I would pay a bit more for a more open printer, but the sl1s seems to be basically legacy/abandoned, and i don’t see any other very-open + very-well-supported options (correct me if wrong pls!). I’m an engineer and will be using it for hobby projects, making molds amd a few stiff, tightly toleranced parts that don’t work well on fdm.

I read that Chitu is pretty limited, and i am really turned off by the lockdown there. I read that over the last few years lockdown has worsened as Chitu has tightened their grip on the low-end to force their Pro slicer subscription. (For the record i am not opposed to sellimg such software – and sub’d to Simplify3D for several years – but definitely won’t support being forced onto it)

Is anyone experienced with UVTools + PrusaSlicer (or orcaslicer or similar)? Can you use all features of the machine? How is the experience?

submitted by /u/Tech-Crab
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