web apps – Web SMS gateway for personal use?

I used to be a user of Skype Credit and I used it mostly over Skype for Web webpage; unfortunately the Skype Credit service has been killed in December 2024 (see https://www.theverge.com/2024/12/13/24320322/skype-credit-number-discontinued-microsoft) – so now I am looking for alternatives. Here are the features I’d want:

  • I want to be able to send SMS from a webpage, where I can also save a list of contacts
  • I want to register my own private phone number as the sender number, when I send SMS from this webpage
  • I want a message character counter, and live indication of the SMS cost as the message is typed
  • I want an SMS delivery report (if the SMS has been delivered to the mobile device, Skype usually indicated that within 5-10 seconds after sending)
  • I want world-wide mobile phone number coverage for recipients (even though most of my messages are sent to countries in Europe, and my own phone number is also from a european country).
  • I want pay-as-you-go / prepaid type of payment (no monthly subscription fees)

My use case is messaging family and friends, probably around 10 messages per month.

I guess this kind of a product is called an SMS gateway – however the strange thing is, whenever I search for an “SMS gateway” online, most of these companies/providers (at least the European ones) require you to register from a business (that is, you need to supply something like the US employer identification number (EIN) when you register); which means I cannot even register with them for personal use.

So, any recommendation for a web SMS gateway that allows personal use (that is, does not require the customer to be a registered business)?

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