I’m trying to export all Voice Memos from my Mac (running macOS Sequoia 15.0), including timestamps and names (as shown in Voice Memos). If Voice Memos stores location co-ordinates inside its database, getting that would be nice as well.
I can drag-and-drop Voice Memos one at a time into Finder to export them. I can also use cmd+c & cmd+v to copy them into Finder. I have hundreds of Voice Memos (over several years), so saving them one at a time is not feasible (or, at least, very tedious and likely unreliable). Cmd+a or shift-select to select multiple recordings at a time does not work.
I’ve looked at this to automate the process:
But, for the path it uses:
os.path.expanduser("~"), "Library", "Application Support", "com.apple.voicememos", "Recordings", "CloudRecordings.db"
Which doesn’t exist on my computer (apparently the location and/or the way Voice Memos stores them got changed).
So, is there a better way to reliably and automatically export all Voice Memos, including metadata (at least timestamp and name) to a folder, than (1) copy-pasting every recording manually, or (2) writing a script that uses keyboard shortcuts to automate copy-pasting each Voice Memo one at a time?