windows – Identifying file changes related to an action

Given an arbitrary application that has a “settings” or “preferences” dialog, I want to identify the file change(s) made by a particular setting. My assumption is that the change is made in an INI file. Here’s a procedure that might work:

  1. I enter the “not modifying anything” mode
  2. The app notices file changes which are not related to settings
  3. I enter the “modifying setting A” mode
  4. The app notices file changes which might be related to settings
  5. I changes values forth and back
  6. The changes of 4 minus the changes of 2 are considered for setting A
  7. Goto step 3, for setting B etc.

Since there are many settings (over 100 in the app I consider this for) and each setting may have multiple values (from a drop-down list for example), I need some semi-automated way of identifying the process. Also, the changes are not in one file only, but multiple files.

The app I’m looking for must

  • work on Windows
  • work offline
  • restrict monitoring to a specific folder and subfolders which I specify
  • allow me to enter and leave the 2 modes as above
  • display the difference when I finish
  • work with text files
  • let’s me define the file extensions which I consider text files
  • cost less than 100 €


  • text files, it would ideally identify the line(s) of change.
  • for INI files, it would identify the section and key of the change.
  • it let’s me specify the name of the setting that I’m toggling, and can identify multiple settings easily

It does not need to

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