Look around you: newspaper have full front page ads, TV channels show ads about 33% of the time, theatres show ads before movie starts and during intermission. These are all things you paid for, AND seeing ads on.
To believe YT won’t do the same is not only naive, but stupid. Which is what they want: if you’re too stupid to click on a button to install ad blocker extension that auto updates itself, you’re stupid enough to keep paying increasing premiums, and then one day watch ads inspite of paying. Further you will blindly buy whatever the ads seem to be promoting, even if they’re scams.
Google is an ad company: it wants to own every digital display via Manifest v3 for the sole purpose of showing ads. The search engine is so bad now, out mostly shows only promoted results.
If you’re too afraid to give up a service, their strategy worked and you are a blind sheep that will walk to the slaughter house without question.
User has to pay them in one form or another,…or by their time fighting with the scripts.
One click install is easier than setting up a recurring subscription. If only you had tried it once, you wouldn’t have wasted your time typing all that. Also deja vu : we’ve had this convo before I feel.