Im new to 3d Scanning/photogrammetry and I am looking at scanning some panels for general analysis.
Using all the tricks that I have read (I have read a lot on scanning tips) I have managed to get some usable photogrammetry 3d “scans”
I have converted the files to .stl and managed to import them to various free editing software (meshab, meshmixer and some others)
Really I don’t want to do a whole lot of post processing or anything because what I need is a general analysis on the curvature of some parts.
What I want to do is align it to the axis with the correct orientation, and then do a contour map along the Y axis.
Im having a lot of trouble even just trying to align the scanned image to the correct orientation, really I thought it would be simple because I imagined that it would be the first thing that anyone would need to do to almost any imported scanned item. However im finding it quite frustrating as I assumed it would be easy.
Can anyone recommend any (free) software which would be the easiest for these “relatively simple” tasks? Blender doesn’t work in my laptop – something about drivers not being up to date, although I assume it won’t work with my graphics hardware.
submitted by /u/Wild_Suit_6889
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