automation – Automating Photoshop edits and within a template on images that have variations that affect photo/template layout

We have streamlined our template based editing quite a bit, but there’s still room for improvement. Currently we do these steps:

  1. shoot photo on green/blue screen
  2. cut out background and create PNG with transparent layer
  3. drop photo into template
  4. Edit based on criteria below.

(Template A)

(x) resize based on helmet/face proximity to top/bottom edge

(y) realign/rotate based on angle of eyes

(z) center photo based on eyes location

(Template B)

(x) enlarge without cutting off their equipment from left to right

(y) either center their face/body (but not equipment) or left/right justify depending on how much width in the photo their equipment takes ups

Steps below may not need to be automated for now because determining the number is a bit more complicated sometimes than the rest of the process previously mentioned:

  1. Pause automation to input [# Full Name] into template based on jersey number
  2. Save photo as PSD and then JPG with filename [#] [First Name] [Last Name] [Template Name]_[my initials]

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